Dental Amalgam “Mercury” Fillings…Are They Safe?
The FDA decided to weigh in on this question about the safety of Dental Amalgam (Mercury) Fillings with a new statement this week found here : FDA statement about Dental Amalgam Fillings.
In the statement, they warn people that are at higher risk to avoid these kinds of fillings.
Who do they define as higher risk?
Pregnant women and their developing fetuses;
Women who are planning to become pregnant;
Nursing women and their newborns and infants;
Children, especially those younger than six years of age;
People with pre-existing neurological disease;
People with impaired kidney function; and
People with known heightened sensitivity (allergy) to mercury or other components of dental amalgam.
Mercury Fillings Continue to Release Mercury
They also state that,
“Dental amalgam contains elemental mercury. It releases low levels of mercury in the form of a vapor that can be inhaled and absorbed by the lungs. High levels of mercury vapor exposure are associated with adverse effects in the brain and the kidneys.”

I have had to learn how to remove mercury fillings safely and now I am a very strong proponent of removing mercury safely and when there are health concerns.
The Precautions We Take at Midway Family Dental
I now am the owner of a very busy Holistic Dental practice you know as Midway Family Dental.
We have specially built mercury clean rooms to remove mercury fillings safely, and have patients seek us out from around the region for these procedures.
So yes, I am glad the FDA is saying something about mercury!
If you or anyone you know falls in the categories listed above as higher risk, please let them know about the concerns with mercury fillings.
They are dangerous, and in my case, nearly took away my health and my profession.
If you choose to have them removed, PLEASE do it safely.
What does safely mean?
We use the protocols established by the IAOMT and are SMART certified to safely remove the fillings.
This means we use a high powered vacuum at the patient’s chin, face and body drapes to prevent mercury from landing on the skin, special mercury filtration masks for all team members, high volume suction, and water and a rinse to pick up the mercury remnants.

If you are going to have a filling removed, DO NOT have it removed unless it can be done with these protocols in place.
We are glad you have chosen Midway Family Dental for your health and wellness dental home, and we will continue to provide up to date information and standards to improve your life and your health!
To your health!
Dr. Rachel Riley